Bluenose Women’s Field Lacrosse League Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Women's Field Lacrosse

Women's Field Lacrosse is a quick, free-flowing game which is easy to understand and watch. The game is played on a 100m x 55m field with 10 players aside on the field. The full roster of a Women's Field team is 16-20 players.
Unlike Men's Field or Box Lacrosse, Women's Field is a non-contact sport. There is no aggressive checking with either the stick or the body. This results in a game which has added emphasis on a fast-paced, polished game centred on ball movement.

The International Federation of Women's Lacrosse Associations sanctions international championships at the junior and senior level on a four year cycle. Canada consistently places in the top four positions and performances at the last two championships have clearly shown the promise of great things to come.

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