Bluenose Women’s Field Lacrosse League Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Labour day weekend lacrosse


It is going to be a beautiful day at the turf!

It is going to be a beautiful day at the turf! We will be handing out pinnies, stick rentals, and some googles - we had a lot of purchases, so are having more shipped in. We have loaner googles for today if needed. If you are not going to be there today, we will be doing the same next week, and coaches will have sticks at practice. 

Returning players bring your Bluenose Pinnie! All players need a mouthguard, googles, stick and water bottle. 

We are at the Dartmouth turf (beside RBC arena). 

Mini - 12-1pm
U11/U13 - 1 - 2pm 
U15 - 2:15 game, on field warm up starts at 2pm
U19 - 3:30 game, on field warm up starts at 3:15pm

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Powered by Stack Sports Lacrosse Software